Alexandre Prokoudine wrote:
On Fri, 12 Nov 2004 14:52:07 -0800, miriam clinton (iriXx) <irixx@...569...> wrote:
Just to introduce myself (hence top-posting, forgive my netiquette) - I'm a graphic designer, and while not a coder, I've joined several of the graphics tools developer lists to contribute from a designer's / usability point of view (an idea originally suggested to me by RMS when I explained to him why designers weren't moving to GNU/Linux).
It's a pleasure to see you here, Miriam! Are we going to see a contest similar to WTFYTYD in designers world? :)
hey there!
well, perhaps - although I designed the album covers which were a mashup of Madonna and various other things, Barbie dolls etc - based under UK law that you can use small amounts of copyrighted material for the purposes of journalistic and/or other commentary. We had our legal-eagles at ukcdr.org check that one out :)
Hmm... will have to think of that one. But for the moment I'd love to help with the tools, I'd like to migrate fully to GNU/Linux rather than being stuck in proprietary-land....