Tutor is me :)
Their project tutor is Cedric Gémy (cedric.gemy@...400...) from the French Inkscape association (http://groups.google.fr/group/asso-inkscape-france). But of course they will need code review from the dev team.
For more information and better communication, i'll also try to back on IRC as often as possible (i've mstly been off last month because i was writing a book about Inskcape :-), the second in french after elisas', and rarely home). For those who don't know, my nick is pygmee. What i can do is help on managing the team and the global aspect. But for coding matter my level is clode to zero, so it would be good to have a second person for this if anyone is interested
I helped them to define and propose the project to the school.
Thanks to everyone
Cheers cedric