As you may have noticed if your in the Launchpad Inkscape bug team, the flow of notifications has dramatically decreased recently. Instead of sending notifications whatever happens in the reports, the LP bug system limited the notifications to new and closed bug. I first thought it was due to a new LP feature, reset with new default values, but it finally seems it was changed by someone in the Inkscape administrators team.
I understand there are too many notifications for developers, but bug managers need everything to appropriately triage the reports.
For now, the settings have been reset with the previous values (notify everything, including comments) for the bug team (LP subscription page: https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+subscriptions). If needed, we have the possibility to subscribe the Inkscape Developers team to the bug system, with limited notifications (new and closed only, or filter based), or a new specific team if we don't want to reuse the developers team.
The debate is open.
Regards, -- Nicolas