2011/4/8 Andrew <rugby471@...400...>:
The trouble is with having the buttons with no 'relief' is that it is not immediately obvious what they are (i.e. from a first look, how do I distinguish them from the icons in the bottom left?)
Those buttons are similar to the mode selection in toolbars (e.g. in the tweak tool), so if there is a new widget for this, the toolbar could also benefit.
Ideally, I would like to have some like in the image http://bit.ly/gn2q7z , a 'ToggleButtonGroup', alas GTK doesn't have this widget yet, however that is not to say it would be impossible to create :)
This looks very nice, and the widget part would be simple to do, but I'm not sure how to draw this decoration.
Okay then I guess we prefer sliders :) On the note of that custom widget GIMP is using, I think that is quite interesting, reminds me (in a good way) of the volume widget iTunes has on the iPad. Whilst I think the ideas behind it are great, I don't think it is a polished as it could be, but definitely something to think about in the future.
This "super slider" is very good and we should use it. It's also an opportunity to introduce another important change: some of the sliders should have a logarithmic scale. When blurring, precision is not important when adding a large blur, but essential when adding a small blur. It allows us to cover a larger range of values while keeping the slider useful, which is of particular importance in filters.
Regards, Krzysztof