Thanks Santiago, a few people have commentd on the windows Gtk+ lib bundling before, but I'll pass your comments along to the developers. They've been investigating alternative packaging approaches, so you
be more satisfied with it in the future.
----- Forwarded message from Santiago Roza <santiagoroza@...400...>
Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2005 12:26:51 -0300 From: Santiago Roza <santiagoroza@...400...> To: bryce@...1... Reply-To: Santiago Roza <santiagoroza@...400...> Subject: Inkscape / GTK+
Hello, my name is Santiago Roza, and I'm a freelance writer for USERS magazine (a tech mag in Argentina and Mexico), specialized in Free software.
First of all, I'd like to congratulate you for your work: it's great to have a Free [and top quality] vector drawing program, and it's because of extraordinary people like you that F/OSS keeps evolving.
That said, I'd like to make a tiny little suggestion for the Win32 builds: I've seen you guys are bundling the GTK+ libraries with the installer, and while I have to admit that may ease things to some extent, I don't think it's the best (and most thoughtful) choice, considering there are many other Win32 apps which also depend on GTK+ (GIMP, X-Chat, Gaim, Abiword, Dia, and maybe more in the near future).
Well I guess that's all for now. Greetings, and thanks in advance.
Funny you sent this over, Bob and I were just talking about this the other day. I've been talking more with the gimp folks lately and that's a request that they have of us as well. Another side to look at, as touched upon by Santiago, that most people using inkscape seem to also tend to be using either gimp, gaim, or other gtk software. We should also really detect whether perl and python are installed as well to avoid copying extra libs for those too. Personally, other than saving space the bigger benefit is that if you have newer libs on your system, they can be utilized.