It's "new and improved" Stroke to Path. Can it just replace Stroke to Path? Or call it "super" stroke to path. Just kidding. But "deconstruct" could be confusing.
From simple user :-)
-------------------------------------------------- From: "Jabier Arraiza" <jabier.arraiza@...2893...> Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2016 4:58 AM To: "Brynn" <brynn@...3133...>; "Inkscape-Devel" inkscape-devel@lists.sourceforge.net Subject: Re: [Inkscape-devel] [UI] Name for a new function
Here are some screenshots working, notice the not default paint order:
Before apply: View mode : https://inkscape.org/en/~jabiertxof/%E2%98%85deconstruct-object-14
Line mode : https://inkscape.org/en/~jabiertxof/%E2%98%85deconstruct-object-24
Apply : No screen shot my screnshot dont fire when menu path is open. I put a temp item after "stroke to path" menu
After apply : View mode : https://inkscape.org/en/~jabiertxof/%E2%98%85deconstruct-object-34 Line mode : https://inkscape.org/en/~jabiertxof/%E2%98%85deconstruct-object-44
Also another cuestion if finaly is a diferent item in the menu could be good have a shortcut.
Cheers, Jabier.
El sáb, 07-05-2016 a las 11:57 +0200, Jabiertxo Arraiza Cenoz escribió:
The new effect convert a object with one or more of this fill,strokes or marker to a item with all converted to paths, same visual, no more markers or strokes. Also retain paint order.
El sáb, 07-05-2016 a las 03:36 -0600, Brynn escribió:
Seeing how it works would help understanding. From a simple user:
"deconstruct object" sounds like breaking up any object to individual pieces, maybe like Ungroup, or Break Apart. And I can't imagine how "stroke to fill" fits with either of those. ("stroke to fill" sounds like some kind of a stripe pattern)
All best :-) brynn
From: C R Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2016 3:13 AM To: Olof Bjarnason Cc: Inkscape Devel List Subject: Re: [Inkscape-devel] [UI] Name for a new function
Yes please draw some use case diagrams. (And I like the renaming too. I'm still much more of a user than a developer of inkscape and that name (stroke to path) has annoyed me for years!)
Will do! And yes, I'm going to recommend renaming it as well. It's always been a bit of a sticking point in my head as well.
On 7 May 2016 11:03, "C R" <cajhne@...400...> wrote:
I think stroke to path is already a naming convention for a very similar functionality, so I will keep this name if possible if the feature is not too different. If a user will receive most of the time the same result I will try to keep it to avoid confusion. Having too many features with similar behaviours could be frustrating.
Agreed. This is my main reason for proposing a modification to the behaviour of Stroke to Path (We can think about renaming it later, however that may be confusing to our current user base. As a daily user, I'm all for changing it to "Strike to Fill", which is what Stroke to Path actually does.
I would strongly suggest not to create a new menu option if the behaviour is not too different from the expected one if we think the users are going to keep using it as they were doing before.
To clarify:
- Make a red circle with a black stroke
- Path > Stroke to Path
Watch the red circle vanish
Note that I didn't ask Inkscape to throw away the fill, it just does it because there is no shape to contain it anymore. Since we have Paint Order in trunk now, this is even more of an issue; you don't want Stroke to Path to throw away everything you did to make that shape look the way it is, which may include a stack of LPEs and markers, not to mention the fill may include a complex gradient that you have to copy and paste-in-place to recover. The way it has worked has always been a major workflow bottleneck, and Jabier's new function fixes the problem entirely.
Would folks like to see some use case and work flow diagrams? If so, I can have them ready tomorrow.
Otherwise, reading the feature explanation, "decompose object" or "deconstruct object"sounds self-explanatory to me.
I don't have an answer, but I would raise some questions about how we think it is going to be used: what is the purpose, what is the expected outcome and I would compare to the stroke to path option to ensure that are enough different.
On Sat, May 7, 2016 at 10:20 AM, Olof Bjarnason <olof.bjarnason@...3363... il .com> wrote:
Är du systemutvecklare? Spana in https://cilamp.se
On 7 May 2016 at 10:14, C R <cajhne@...400...> wrote:
Basicly, this is how Stroke to Fill should work.
How it works now: Ctrl+Alt+C > Stroke to Path
Result: stroke is indeed converted to path, but the fill and all other parts of the selection that are not strokes vanish. If any LPEs are applied to the path they are thrown out as well (you need to convert object to path before this operation to preserve the appearance).
How it should work (this "deconstruct" alternative): Ctrl+Alt+C > Stroke to Path
Result: All LPE's applied to stroke, then the stroke is converted to path.
My thought is, if we use the convention that a fill is only turned into an object if there is a fill set on the object, then we can please anyone who prefers the old behaviour. All they have to do is get rid of the fill colour on the object before applying Stroke to Path.
The current way it's handled is counter-intuitive. Most of the time, all you want to do is convert the outline to a fill, not throw away tons of data. The point is to preserve appearance, and the Jabier's new function does this much much better.
Thanks, that is a good explanation. However the wording "stroke to path" isn't that clear to me.
Now that I understand what is going on I think "deconstruct" is actually a quite good albeit little techy word for the operation. "Decompose"? "Path to fills"?
The end result is a bunch of filled paths, and the input is what exactly? I think "X to Y" is a good but then the X and the Y should be closer to what the operation is actually doing ;)
My 2p. -C
On Sat, May 7, 2016 at 9:03 AM, Olof Bjarnason <olof.bjarnason@...3387... l. com> wrote:
Is there any image giving an example of what the command does...? Like before/after with arrows and descriptive text?
It's kind of hard to understand what is happening from the very brief description at the top of that thread...
Är du systemutvecklare? Spana in https://cilamp.se
On 7 May 2016 at 09:53, Jabiertxo Arraiza Cenoz <jabier.arraiza@...3285... ke r.es> wrote:
Hi to all UI power! I Just to know a name for the patch https://bugs.launchpad.net/inks ca pe /+bug/1556592
See the ScislaC proposal on #5 Bryce like "Deconstruct object", me too.
Is ok the name? Another one?
Cheers, Jabier.
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