bulia, to select the row: if you are using the keyboard you must press enter, and if you are using the mouse you must double click.
I'm using the GTK::TreeList on_row_actived() function.
I'll write the documentation soon
On 8/18/07, bulia byak <buliabyak@...400...> wrote:
On 8/16/07, Bruno Dilly <bruno.dilly@...400...> wrote:
I implemented a new feature: import from open clip art library. When you have some time (and if you have interest), take a look on this and give me some feedback.
Just tried it. First, I had to enter openclipart.org in prefs - this of course must be the default (btw, don't call it URL if it's just the server name).
Then I opened the import dialog and searched for "pen". It returned some results. But selecting these results did not show a preview, and opening one of them added nothing to the document. What am I doing wrong?
-- bulia byak Inkscape. Draw Freely. http://www.inkscape.org