Hi to all, i want a short name to a type of fillet chamfer. Currently is called "double chamfer" but i want add a int parameter to subdivide the chamfer in more steps than one. see the attachment.
I want a two word name at max, because is in a GUI button.
Im thinking in: multi chamfer chamfer steped...
Finaly, about this, i have another question, could I remove this button "double chamfer" and manage it in the chamfer subdivision? The only disventage i find, is you can't have a "real chamfer" -0 subdivision- and a stepper chamfer in the same path.
Removing or not the "double chamfer" button, there is only one subdivision to all chamfers in the path, also a extra "no subdivision" -0- in case of retain the button.
Think i explain well, but tell me if dont undertand my "english".
Cheers, Jabier.