On Sun, 2011-12-18 at 03:11 +0400, Alexandre Prokoudine wrote:
- Your "description" doesn't shed a single ray of light on the actal
issue you are talking about :)
It doesn't work. Your response doesn't shed a single ray of light on what else you might need. Although I contest that I linked to bug reports and specified versions it doesn't work in and the suspected issue. It's not like I didn't do due diligence testing multiple versions and doing google searches, so spare me your unsocial attitude problem.
Interestingly the tablet works in Gimp 2.6, but fails in Inkscape. So I blame the Inkscape developers for delivering a broken release. I'd have been kinder, but you get what you give.
- Up to date GTK+2 is known to be broken beyond repair regarding
advanced input devices. And it's not going to be fixed.
Then why are you using it? Did it break on you? then set a maximum version in the packaging so we have to use a lower version to get a working Inkscape. You shouldn't accept such nasty regressions and if you have to, ship the bastard library internally. Surely the inkscape project has smarter people than: 'It doesn't work so we gave up'