HOWEVER, please do not take the "auto-flattening" transforms behavior any further -- particularly, don't apply group transformations to group members instead. That way lies madness and severe numerical problems (errors will accumulate rapidly over time).
Think what will happen when we use groups as layers, and what is happening already now that it's possible to select within group. For example:
- group some objetcs
- move and scale the group
- select an object within group
- copy
- paste
The transformation is lost. Also see this bug:
How do you propose to solve these problems without propagating transforms within groups? Especially given that groups may nest arbitrarily deep?
Also bear in mind the expectations of users who use Inkscape to make trivial edits to existing (possibly hand-structured) SVG files.
They will be able to work in the global "preserve" mode.
I would prefer instead that transforms were _never_ flattened unless explicitly requested.
That's what "preserve" mode is for.
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