On 25-Oct-2017 13:28, Eduard Braun wrote:
However as master (formerly known as trunk) can not be built with devlibs anymore and the MSYS2-built release of Inkscape 0.92.2 was a success I took your message as a reason to pull the plug on devlibs which should be considered deprecated as of now (they still work for the 0.92.x branch but they're unmaintained and don't offer any advantages compared to MSYS2 so if anybody still wants to use them use at your own risk).
Seems like a good idea. Leaving it up is just leaving a tar pit for an unwary new developer to fall into.
http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Compiling_Inkscape_on_Windows is redirected accordingly now and should be considered the "official" guideline.
That page looks good to me. The packaging info at the bottom is good. With the old method the "extra" stuff was just the dlls and the MSVC c library. What else comes along for the ride with MSYS2?
There's no need to use an IDE for building Inkscape and from my own experience it causes more issues than the added convenience is typically worth.
That has always been my view too.
However the actual compiler toolchain used is mingw-w64 (the name is misleading: It's the successor of MinGW and it can actually produce both 32-bit and 64-bit binaries).
Yes, the name sucks. It should have been mingw2. (Best to avoid names like mingw-ng as the next major version after that has no obvious name.)
Thanks for cleaning up those pages and answering my questions.
David Mathog mathog@...1176... Manager, Sequence Analysis Facility, Biology Division, Caltech