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Up On the News - GSNH closes Up Friday, After-Market News Release - Get GSNH Quote Here. pioneer. http://moneycentral.msn.com/detail/stock_quote?Symbol=gsnh
After weeks of speculation it's finally here, and the news is even bigger than we thought. filet.
We first knew something was up with GSNH when news came out Thursday regarding Drill LOMT #1. But GSNH really popped up on our radar with Friday's After-Market news. GSNH has announced its partners for the LOMT #1 sidetrack well and you are not going to believe who they are. quinine.
GSNH Names Partners for LOMT #1 Sidetrack Well farthest. Friday October 27, 4:05 pm ET hewlett. HOUSTON, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE) - GSNH announces...has awarded drilling services for the LOMT #1 Sidetrack well to the following providers: bury * Patterson-UTI (Nasdaq: PTEN), Revenue: 2.23 billion, UP 63.30% laredo * Schlumberger (NYSE: SLB), Revenue: 17.90 billion, UP 34.00% lawyer * Halliburton (NYSE: HAL), Revenue: 22.90 billion, UP 13.40% astrology
Oct. 27, 2006 (BUSINESS WIRE) - GSNH Names Partners for Sidetrack Well... whore http://biz.yahoo.com/bw/061027/20061027005324.html?.v=1
GSNH has been releasing steady news worldwide, from Yahoo Finance, AOL, & MSN Money to Marketwatch & Bloomberg---even the NYSE & the NASDAQ have gotten in on the action. Exposure for GSNH is expansive. The increased frequency of news led us to believe that something big was coming for GSNH, and as usual, we were dead-on right. camille
Oct. 26, 2006 (BUSINESS WIRE) � GSNH to Drill LOMT #1... assist. http://money.aol.com/news/articles/_a/greater-sooner-holdings-inc-to-drill/n...
Oct. 12, 2006 (BUSINESS WIRE) � GSNH Reports Drilling Success... charlemagne. http://www.marketwatch.com/News/Story/Story.aspx?guid=%7B05206016-17D5-4077-...
Oct. 11, 2006 (BUSINESS WIRE) � GSNH Announces the Anthony 33... pretend. http://news.moneycentral.msn.com/ticker/article.asp?Feed=BW&Date=2006101...
Oct. 4, 2006 (BUSINESS WIRE) � GSNH...285 million in Probable Reserves... diamagnetic. http://bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=conewsstory&refer=conews&tkr=GSNH...
Friday's After-Market news on GSNH and its newfound partnership with these major corporations (over 43 billion in revenue combined) is just the beginning. We believe that there is even bigger news coming, and as always, we are bringing you the news ahead of time, ahead of everyone else, and ahead of a major spike in GSNH stock price.
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