J.B.C.Engelen@...1578... schrieb:
Hello all,
- Angled Guidelines
Now, Inkscape also provides angled guidelines! Double click on a guide to set its angle.
Another issue, combined with a question: What happend to the "Always snap" option in Document Properties (both for snapping to grids and guides)? Do I understand it correctly that when "Snap at a specified distance" is unchecked then it snaps unconditionally? At first glance I would expect it to not snap at all; I find this extremely confusing.
It also almost made me report a "non-bug". Namely, say that there are two guidelines present. When the above-mentioned option is disabled and you draw a rectangle then it snaps unconditionally to the intersection of the guidelines. Since there is no other point to snap to, you always get a rectangle of zero width and zero height (it takes a while to find out that a rectangle was created at all). This can only be circumvented by disabling snapping globally, which also disables all other snapping modes and can't be desired.
So I very much vote for giving the "Always snap" options back. At least there must be a way for the user to notice that snapping to grids/guides is supposed to happen even if no checkbox is marked in Document Properties.
Thanks, Max