On 10/26/2008 10:31 PM, A.J. Carter wrote:
As Krzysztof was describing, in Corel only the point directly below the cursor is active for snapping, and this applies equally to all transformations (including scaling and stretching). In other words only the node or handle you are moving is considered for snapping to other objects; no other points on that object do. If you want a different handle to snap you simply stretch it from that handle.
Wait a minute. Maybe I'm misunderstanding you here, but what about a rectangle that has been rotated let's say 15 degrees. Is it possible at all to snap its rotated corners in Coreldraw to a grid for example? These corners are not at a handle. So basically it's just boundingbox snapping that Coreldraw does then, plus some special points like intersections and quadrant points and such.
PS: Won't reply tonight, bedtime!