Pajarico wrote:
2008/8/7 Tony Vigil <tjvigil66@...36...>:
Is Population the number of objects sprayed out over a specific amount of time?
- Tony
It is a way of controlling the number of sprayed items. But I'm not sure how to tackle this. Having time as a way of measuring the scattering of the items has a problem: depending on how long drawing the stroke takes, the density (that's items/unit of surface) of the stroke will vary. Let's say you've Population=50 items/s, if you draw two strokes in 1 second each both will have in total the same number of items (50), but the fact that both strokes were drawn in the same amount of time doesn't grant that they are of the same lenght, so in practice a longer stroke would have a lower density than a shorter stroke.
Now that I think this behavior would imitate more realistically a spray can, since moving the can faster would lead to less paint density (e.g: fever paint dots).
But in other scenarios the ability to set a constant density (regardless of the time it takes to make the stroke or its lenght) could be more valuable. So ideally both modes should be made available ;)
And there could be a third and fourth player: Population controlled by the background lightness and tablet pressure.
Right again. This could be the default behavior if a tablet exists, but if it doesn't or it's clicked off, resort to the population/time option, if that's unselected/unset, use a static population/distance option.
Your thoughts?
Another one of my incredibly insightful, brilliant and wonderul thoughts :) was that this same framework could easily be used to implement stamp type brushes, like in GIMP, which use multiple objects repeatedly like a stamp roller.
(Or maybe that was one of the stupid thoughts? I don't recall where it was filed...)