I use inkscape almost everydays. that is a really great application. I convert all the windows users at my office to linux users. That was not that hard. I was 'forced' :-) to convert them from paintshoppro/illustrator to inkscape. That was quite easy too. Inkscape is such an friendly-user-app. We use it for cartography means : drawing polygons on rasters images. ok let's come to the question : Would it be possible to 'execute' an external binary on the active document? i read every mails for such a long time and aware (it's good to be aware) of the coming extension stuff. how will it work ? would it be possible to provide a 'simple' binary that do the job and just put it in some place ? (like C or C++ or whatever) what could the junction with inkscape be ? will all the changes made by the binary be updated in the preview immedilately ? how could that come from a menu in inkscape ?
ok... why all these question ?? in fact i will have some times and needs in adding new features related to GIS (of course openGis specs compliant) and some new 'magic' operation such areas and so... the problems is i am not a c nor c++ prog as anyone on the list. I am realy used to php and web. I started to implement these operations on php-web-based : you upload the file and the not-that-magic-stuff was done. i am considering to make a php extension for that and therefore it could be, for some, inkscape-inside implemented. BUT (here comes the BUT again..) i can not dive into inkscape (i have not enought time to do it) and i am not sufficiently competent to do it and i didn't succeded in having a configure-make-ready-box for inkscape (very much dependances on a redhat 9). the easy way would be such an extension stuff and when it works as expected someone with much more skills could add a new stuff in inkscape open-gis related.
Sorry for that long and bad-english mail. What do you think of it ? hervé