On 11/3/11 13:10, Chris Morgan wrote:
On 11/3/11 10:10, Jasper van de Gronde wrote:
On 2011-03-10 21:43, Ian Caldwell wrote:
In regards to the FAQ. We're also looking to launch this on the new site in regards to support... http://www.osqa.net/ and Questions and answers.
Any reason to prefer this over the system we already have in Launchpad (which seems to be operational)?
I presume you are referring to https://answers.launchpad.net/inkscape; looking at that now it is more active than I had realised (I only knew vaguely about it, it's never been advertised as a method to get help),
but I don't feel that it can be as useful as OSQA on our own site. What we're looking at doing is covering both that and inkscapeforum.com (with the intent being of eclipsing it), but will be more useful, official, visible, promote more of a central community... and be more fun.
Please explain "eclipsing" the InkscapeForum.
I'm sure it's ten times better, but it seems like a shame to spend time on launching something we already have.
I think we only partially have Launchpad Answers; how many use it or really know about it? It's quite obscure.
It's a link in Inkscape's 'Help' menu: "Ask Us a Question".
Questions can be easily linked to or turned into bug reports (if indicated), and sometimes bug reports are turned into questions because they are actually questions about usage and not software bugs.
One disadvantage of Launchpad's current service: it doesn't allow attachments in the 'Answers' section.
(...) And, while powerful, Launchpad is not the most friendly system to work with. If we have it integrated on our own "normal"-type site, I think we'll get more people using it and finding Inkscape support helpful than we would with the Launchpad Answers system, however we promoted it. Having everything in one place is a Very Good Thing.
Have I convinced you? Or not? Please let me know if you wish to. But I do very much think it's worth doing.
I'm not fully convinced. I do have one wish though: if you 'eclipse' other support structures - please don't delete or partially migrate their content but keep them accessible with the current addresses so that older links don't fail (Wiki, InkscapeForum, Answers section at launchpad, ...) and archived articles can still be searched.
Also keep in mind that communities like the InkscapeForum do have 'regulars' which might be interested in getting asked, involved or informed about any plans ahead...