Ted: testing the current CVS, it's still broken. It opens with "selection" but when I change selection it jumps to "custom" and does not update export area numbers. Used to work just yesterday. Please fix. "Custom" can never ever be changed to automatically, only if I click on it.
- The exported image name defaults to drawing.svg.png instead of drawing.png.
What is this for? Generally, you'll want shorted and simpler names, just drawing.png. Currently I have to delete the .svg portion each time.
This one seems to be fixed now.
- The behaviour of the export dialogue is inconvenient. One thing it should
be able to do IMHO is to detect whether a selection is active and automatically set the export mode to selection.
It should now.
Sets, but does not track selection now.
I'm not sure if this is what you're saying, but right now when you move selections they don't seem to be getting updated.
Let's not confuse two things: when I change selection (i.e. select something different) and when I modify selection (e.g. resize what is selected without deselecting it). There are two signals for it, change_selection and modify_selection. Ideally the export dialog should listen and respond to both of them, but it must at least listen to change_selection to be minimally usable.
I think this is a change deeper inside Inkscape that I haven't found yet. But definitely if you change what is selected right now, you'll get an updated dialog.
Yesterday yes, today no (see above).