On 3 April 2014 13:46, Martin Owens <doctormo@...400...> wrote:
On Thu, 2014-04-03 at 11:22 +1100, Bernard Gray wrote:
My proposal is actually to support both these workflows - add the File -> Export to... PDF menu option, but leave the "Save As... -> PDF" option intact.
Sorry I wasn't clear. This is my proposal also.
I would not like to see a new menu item though. Exporting a specific type should be something the export dialog takes care of, so exporting to eps, pdf or something else.
The big difference between export and save as, is that save as sets the document filename to this new filename and export should not.
Great, we're on the same page - I'm not fussy as to how it's implemented in the menu.
Gimp currently provides two Export options in it's file menu, "Export", and "Export As...": * Export As... takes you to a file picker dialog, where you can choose the location and format of the exported file * If you haven't exported the document already, the "Export" button does the same thing * Once you have exported the document, it remembers the last file you exported to and the "Export" button title changes to reflect this, ie "Export to <file>.<extension>"
This would require the addition of a new menu item though. If you want to avoid this would you prefer to just go with something similar to the Gimp "Export As..." button/functionality?