momo wrote:
I was not for this solution either but now, I just remember that this Tool is not only about bezier editing... it's also about rounded corner and other sub-object editing stuffs. I can draw a straight line with a square above. Does someone have a better idea?
Corel Draw has a good one IMO. See the attached PNG file. Also, rounding corners is more an attribute of the rectangle tool than of the node editor tool, even if the rounding is possible with the editor tool too. I think that the node tool icon has to represent the shape of the tool's pointer + the function it does. Again, corel's icon is very intuitive, explicit and simple.
For the record, Tango-fied or not, I personally like our current icons quite a bit.
Our current "editor" icon does represent the function of the tool well as-is (in my opinion). And yes rounding corners is more of a function of the rectangle tool... but what about editing Offsets and Patterns? It is the only tool that edits them that I'm aware of.