Dear all,
meeting notes below.
Best, Jonathan
Developer meeting Feb 3, 2025
Attendees: Ishaan, ltlnx, Manpreet, Marc, Martin, Mike, Vaibhav, Kristina, Rhett (both InkStitch), Ravi, Jonathan
Partially in-person in Frankfurt :)
Ishaan: Worked on stroke to path for markers. Martin will help with tests.
Jonathan: is currently working on a new extensions type (Preview extension). Will also work on some contracting proposals this week. Some discussion about whether we should have https://alpha.inkscape.org/bug-migration/leaderboard.htmlfor fixing instead of migrating bugs. Brief discussion about another contracting thing related to canvas performance. ltlnx will collect the issues and talk to pbs about it.
Kristina and Rhett (InkStitch) have joined us, enabling relationship building with downstream and also talking about their needs and getting things done :)
Manpreet: making good progress with Illustrator import
Marc: cleared out pending merge requests, is working on improving the translations submission progress, making it more usable with issues in Gitlab.
Martin: worked on the PDF exporter (text, transparent gradients, ...)
Mike: worked on implementing the settings dialog proposal
Ravi: works on getting the Filter editor ready for primetime Vaibhav: trying to finish the text on path merge request. Some comments from Ishaan and ltlnx. Performance issues with Text tool open are fixed. Next up: handle icons, some handle issues, adding the settings on the object properties dialog