W dniu 17 grudnia 2010 01:26 użytkownik ~suv <suv-sf@...58...> napisał:
1.4 skew transformation handles missing for x- or y-aligned nodes
Won't fix - skew handles are hidden on purpose. Otherwise they would overlap with rotation handles, making either difficult to use. I could introduce a setting in 0.48.2 that allows you to pick which handles are shown in preference.
As commented, it works with the select tool (skew handles visible and usable), even when the geometric bbox is used, for objects with zero width or height.
I doesn't look very well in this case, and it's hard to pick the handle you want. It does limit the functionality a bit though. Does anyone else have an opinion on this?
2.6 break/join nodes shifts start node of closed path
Won't fix
Why? It changes e.g. the position of Start/end markers or of text put on path (ignoring path effects for now) and can be hard to control or avoided when node-editing.
There is no data that allows me to guess where the start of the path was before the break. Fixing this would require storing extra data in the XML (which would have to be invalidated at correct times), and if you did something else before joining and forget that the path was broken, it would be very surprising to see the end of the path end up in a different place than it was before the join. It's possible that I'm thinking of something different than you though - I'll investigate this in detail tommorow
6.2 Scale/stretch/skew transforms with transform handles don't snap
Won't fix for 0.48.1 - this is rather complex, could fix in 0.48.2 or 0.49
Maybe Diederik can help?
After backporting the current round of fixes to 0.48, I was reminded that there are some important snapping API improvements in trunk that were not backported to 0.48. Trying to implement this without those API changes would require absurd amounts of repetitive code. I guess it will be addressed in 0.49 at the earliest.
Thanks for all information, you're doing a lot of great work.
Regards, Krzysztof