Bulia is developer of the year! This is excellent work. I will look over wiki a bunch. Also, I just installed new crossover office 2.1.0 today and it runs adobe illustrator 10 if anyone wants to test out illustrator and compare Inkscape.
jonathanPhillips (jon2)
On Wed, 2003-11-26 at 17:55, bulia byak wrote:
Today's a big day: finally I made all dialogs unsinkable, defocusable, closeable, and remembering position across sessions. Well, not exactly all, because I decided that a number of dialogs can be simply removed so I did not bother upgrading them. See the new wiki page:
for my plans on what to do with what dialogs. COmments are welcome as always.
So, please test the latest CVS and report any problems. There are probably quite a few of them because there were lots of changes in lots of files.
Other wiki pages created or updated today:
http://www.inkscape.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?TextUsability - specific ideas for the text tool and dialog
http://www.inkscape.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?SecondaryToolbar - this is what's brewing inside BORKEN, and it's cool!
http://www.inkscape.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?PreferencesDialog - we need a big and impressive Preferences dialog, so add your ideas on what to put there
http://www.inkscape.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?KeyboardProfiles - the discussion on keyboard profiles is now on a page of its own.
Please be more active on the Wiki. All these pages and others will benefit from your input and ideas.
Also, please test drag tolerance that I added yesterday. You may need to remove old ~/.inkscape/preferences file for the new ~/.inkscape/preferences.xml to work reliably (I could not find how the old file can break things, but looks like it does sometimes).