On Fri, Aug 05, 2005 at 09:09:03AM +1000, Peter Moulder wrote:
On Thu, Aug 04, 2005 at 03:56:50PM +0200, Wolfram Quester wrote:
I already finished backports to sarge, so people using debian stable can put the following lines in their /etc/apt/sources.list:
deb http://honk.physik.uni-konstanz.de/~wolfi/inkscape sarge/ deb-src http://honk.physik.uni-konstanz.de/~wolfi/inkscape sarge/
I've added these two lines to download.php (but haven't made them live). I don't know what kind of bandwidth might be used.
Thanks. I think that there won't be any bandwidth problems, but I'm not sure how to proceed if there were troubles and I had to take this link down. Perhaps I could move the packages to sf then. But then people couldn't use apt-get, I think. Just let's test it.
Keep in mind that 0.42.1 is around the corner, btw.
Yes, I know that. But from tomorrow I'll be on holidays for another week without any internet connection. The packeges for 0.42 were sent to my sponsor some minutes ago, btw. They'll appear in unstable soon.