That's great. Thanks for all your hard work! I'll tidy up the poppler and gc code accordingly.
AV On 8 Jan 2016 9:02 a.m., "Nicolas Dufour" <nicoduf@...48...> wrote:
Hi ALex (and all!),
Le Samedi 2 janvier 2016 16h44, Alex Valavanis <valavanisalex@...400...> a écrit :
Thanks for taking care of this. I wonder if you have time to look into updating Poppler too? At the moment, we have a lot of conditionally-built code to support ancient Poppler versions... Devlibs is really the only blocker for getting rid of it.
Poppler updated (with poppler-0.39.0 and poppler-data-0.4.7) in the devlibs, rev. 56. Inkscape also updated (changes in build.xml) in the trunk (rev. 14566) and 0.91.x branch (rev. 13853).
Now that the devlibs have the latest poppler version, I guess you can now remove some unnecessary code.
@Windows users - again, don't forget to update the devlibs and run "btool clean" before compiling!