I agree with Bryce: this don't scale well. Personally, if I would have
to deal with this cut-and-paste work , will think twice before committing anything to the website.
But I got another proposal, which could solve this better: as we have the CVS commits mailing list, it would be useful to have a similar list but only for commits in the website module. This way translators could subscribe to the list and receive automatic notification for each website change.
The WEBFORM was originally ment to be sent to webmasters/translators only. Now we changed that, so that it is sent to this list. I thought that everytime a update affecting the translations is made, the one who did it should use the webform to tell the translators to update that. Webmasters should be encouraged to filter webform messages to a special folder, maybe.
But you can never expect that all translations will be up-to date within 24h.
On many pages, there will be english messages if no translation is available (e.g. screenshots, news, status) As i am pretty new, i don't know how the changes to download.php look like. If there are mostly updates to links, then i'd suggest to place them in variables in download.php and <?php echo $lnk_release ?> in the include files.