Did you test it in a non-dev environment? Like the package I tried to create crashed on other macs, yours crashes on mine right at startup or even earlier then mine, doesn't even show a window.
I might work on this again soon, though.

On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 2:10 PM, Milosz Derezynski <internalerror@...400...> wrote:
Dear Inkscape team - it's a package.

The package was built on 10.5 and is Intel only.

The package was built from SVN rev. 20630 and it uses Gtk+/Quartz instead of X11 windowing.
There are a few bugs when running Inkscape on Gtk+/Quartz which I'm attempting to fix
at the moment, once I have them fixed I will upload an updated package accordingly.

I hope that despite the limited usability of the package (Intel-only) it can find some use.

The package can be downloaded at:



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