Bob Jamison wrote:
Joshua A. Andler wrote:
Bob, where in my win32 libs do I need to stick the boost-graph headers? (and in case you repackage the libs, gtk+ 2.8.11 has no new bugs that I've seen...)
My DSL has been intermittent recently, so I have missed a lot of chat and email for the last week. Where did these come from? Have people agreed on adding another dependency? If everyone is OK with it, fine, but wouldn't boost-graph require boost in its entirety? :-) I'm doing my best to -remove- a dep (info-zip).
From the previous thread ( http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=9612501&forum_id=... ) it seemed like there were mixed feelings... the closest thing to an answer I saw was that Mental had said he'd prefer if it isn't brought in-tree but instead just a separate dependency.
The separate dependency is currently how Tim implemented it, so that's why I asked about where to add to the win32 libs. As for if it needs the entire boost library, that's a great question... I figure we can try without the whole shebang first and see if that works (note that on Ubuntu boost-graph was dependent on the parent boost library).
What are people's thoughts? I personally like what Tim has added so far and would love to see it working on win32 also. Just my .02.