After realizing that there was something strange about the text size in my inkscape designs I followed the bugs associated (#168151, #168164, #168344, #170099 - some of them seem to be duplicates) and there I noticed that the text size in inkscape is expressed in pixels, but the dialog doesn't inform that. In fact, there's no way to set the font size to other units but the XML editor (and as far as I could see, it doesn't work either).
In every vector illustration program the font size is expressed (by default) in points because one of the common outputs for the illustrations is print. Vector illustration programs are usually the most adecuate option to create flyers, simple brochures, logos, etc, so the use of real units is needed for type. In graphic design the default units for type are points (there are different measures for typographic points but in DTP 1 pt = 1/72"). Having typography in pixels is a big headache for graphic designers, mostly because the "12" value set by default is used as the default value en other design programs, but points, not pixels. Even office programs use points as default type units, so the common user will be expecting points and not pixels.
In my opinion, the way that inkscape manages units is fine, but an option for setting the default units globally is needed. Currently, you have pixels everywhere and you have to change every time and everywhere to real units if you need to use them. That sucks and is a tedious and time consuming task (prone to errors too). It's a consistency issue too. The default inkscape artwork size is a DIN A4 size page, which is a phisical, real measure. If I have a "real" page as a container, I would expect to use real units as measures, but it's mixed up. Vector graphics are used to create elements that can be scaled without having to worry about the pixel size, so using pixels as default units doesn't make sense (imho).
I'm not saying: change px for pt or mm. Of course if I have to create a website mockup I'll use pixels and not milimeters. Every choice is useful in different scenarios, but they need to be streamlined to make the options consistent with the needed workflow.
I think that adding a simple category "units" in the preferences should fix the problem. Having the ability to choose the units globally for objects and type will allow users to adapt inkscape to their specific needs and will bring more consistency to the UI.
What do you think about this?
Regards, Gez.