On Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 4:40 AM, Jasper van de Gronde
However, don't let that stop you. In my mind the right solution here wouldn't be to make SVG simpler, but rather to make it easier to make a renderer. One of the things I've been thinking about is making a different (much more basic) format and defining how SVG maps to that format. At the very least it would make the standard much less ambiguous, but I expect it would also help in finding problem areas, and it could help implementations by suggesting a way to break down rendering.
That is a good idea I think. Right now, we often use Batik as the "standard" because in the spec, there are many unclear and confusing areas. If we had a "basic SVG", for example with featureset of Postscript, and a strictly-defined mapping from the rest of SVG to basic, it would help implementers a lot.