On 25/01/2012 18:05, ~suv wrote:
On 04/01/2012 03:06, alvinpenner wrote:
thanks for the suggestions, I've made the call to Path::Coalesce optional. committed to rev 10835.
Related bug #906952 "Low performance while manipulating spirograph paths" [1] has been reopened today, based on newly provided example file [2] for which the fix in rev 10835 apparently doesn't help [3].
Steps to reproduce a similar loss of performance with basic Inkscape shapes:
1) delete/rename preferences file 2) launch inkscape (trunk) 3) draw three stars (use default settings, but increase number of corners to 200) 4) draw a rectangle
Test 1: 5) drag the rectangle with the mouse -> slight delay, depending on general system performance, but noticeably delayed compared to Inkscape 0.48.2
Test 2: 6) select the three stars, and change the stroke style to 'Round Join' and 'Round Cap' 7) drag the rectangle with the mouse -> noticeably (IMHO huge) loss of performance while dragging a simple shape
Note: the 'Spirograph' path in the second test file of the bug report doesn't even use rounded joins and caps.
hth, ~suv