Hi Krzysztof,
Could you share with us what the source build file would look like ? Even if we cannot run it, just to see what it looks like.
Surely btool is a nice work but maintaining 9000 lines of c++ is a job by itself. The more so if it only used for the Windows build.
On other project we simply use make, not so bad and everyone knows how to use it, recognized by many frameworks. You can always have a few scripts in whatever language you like to do some configuration. But for simple task like saving a .h file and rebuilding as quickly as possible it works fine.
If some cleanup work and refactoring is planned a good build tool is a benefit.
Now I am open.
Bruno Winck Email: bwinck@...2632... Blog: http://www.kneaver.com/blog Kneaver Corp http://www.kneaver.com/ Twitter:http://twitter.com/kneaver SKYPE:brunowinck PH: +1 (415) 749 5850 CELL: +1 (415) 513 3160
-----Original Message----- From: Krzysztof Kosinski [mailto:tweenk.pl@...400...] Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2011 3:17 PM To: Jon Cruz Cc: Bruno Winck; inkscape-devel@lists.sourceforge.net Subject: Re: [Inkscape-devel] Use of MINGW64 (minor)
2011/6/9 Jon Cruz <jon@...18...>:
Actually most projects do use some build tool of one form or another. At the moment the main candidate for cross-platform building is cmake.
CMake is a popular choice, but I don't understand its popularity. Its scripting language is frustratingly weak. You have to write hundreds of lines to do anything even moderately complex. The syntax is bizarre, sometimes case-sensitive and sometimes not. It would also add another build dependency.
Waf is a 100 kB script that allows you to use Python as the build scripting language. It uses only Python functionality, and we already have the required version of Python in the devlibs. Another plus is that it mimicks Autotools (configure, build, clean, distclean). And those are not theoretical considerations, I have successfully built Inkscape on both Windows and Linux using it and I see no reason why it wouldn't work on OSX. Adding features like revision number in the about box, autogenerated sources, etc. was easy, as there are many examples available.
Regards, Krzysztof