Internationalisation support is still fairly weak, unfortunately the toxic workaround of scraping strings from the xml doesn't really take full advantage of svgs specification.
It still needs to be done for Inkscape 1.0 I guess, so someone will need to do it eventually. It's just right now if I want to do translations, I have to keep multiple fragmenting versions per language, this is very hard for complex documents such as lesson presentations or comics, both of which I do in inkscape and would love to have internationalised.
Perhaps we could have some plugins to handle it?
Regards, Martin
On Thu, 2009-07-16 at 07:45 +0700, Khoem Sokhem wrote:
Hello list members,
I just want to ask one question on how to switch langugage in Inkscape via menu, It will be good if Inkscape can switch language via menu like VLC, Pidgin. Any one know, will Inkscape have this feature in the future?
Thank in advance for your respone. Sokhem- From Cambodia