Hi, that's my first message for this list, so let me introduce myself. My name is Silveira Neto, I'm a brazilian student, last semester in computer science. I'd like to say that I'm a happy Inkscape user, pleased to see all improvements made recently.

I'm also a developer that uses a new, free and open technology for creating RIA (Rich Internet Applications) called JavaFX. If someone is interested in know more about JavaFX, you can see more here, here or here.
JavaFX is heavily graphicaly based and it's elements resembles much SVG elements. In fact, the main creator of JavaFX created a tool that translates SVG to JavaFX.

I'd like to suggest a plugin for exporting Inkscape drawings to JavaFX, so developers could draw with Inkscape, export and program the logic with JavaFX. That extension just would have to export the drawing to a raw text .jfx file. The syntax is quite simple and I can help with it. I guess that Inkscape extensions are made in Python, right? I'd like to know where I can find more documentation about writing Inkscape extensions, I know a little bit of Python, I could try it.

As JavaFX and SVG graphical entities are similar (like shapes, paints, gradientes, paths, etc) you guys think that is possible to make such plugin for Inkscape?
Someone would be interested in help me?

