On Sat, 2009-04-18 at 16:40 -0700, Joshua A. Andler wrote:
Writing PR/Announcements for our upcoming release
I have copied the PR announcement plan from 0.46 and changed the dates, and started working on the draft informal announcement. http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/AnnouncePlanning047
We will also need help translating this into other languages!
Just as important as working on the words is getting our list of contacts and sources up to date. We need to get the word out wide and far, and think creatively about how to tell the Inkscape release story, and who to tell that story to!
We can all start generating buzz by talking to people about Inkscape - posting in blogs, twitter, identi.ca - and design and drawing forums...
Perhaps add a note to your email signature like I've done at the bottom of this email...
... other off-line ideas ...
* Design posters or flyers and put them on noticeboards at schools and universities, perhaps leave some flyers at the local gallery...
* Have a local release party - perhaps there's only 1 or 2 of you in your town - but plan to get together, and look around for others who might be interested.
* Do a demo at your local user group or swap meet.
Local events to promote the release gives you a chance to publicise the release in local media...
What other ideas do you have?
cheers Donna