Hi all,
This weekend we're going to try to flesh out the roadmap for the next dozen releases or so. Not to cast anything in stone but simply to identify what we'll need to implement when, and to outline priorities.
In the old roadmap we had identified 0.39 for implementing Extensions, however that presupposed we'd be further along in terms of identifying an internal API to hook them to, and having some conceptual/design documentation.
Instead, we're thinking of pushing that forward, and let the focus of 0.39 be the incorporation of the AST and ECMA work, that has been going on in two branches. As well, we'll finally pull in GtkMM and start work on converting code to use that, including a layers dialog. We also need to determine the internal API for hooking extensions, etc. to, since that's a major dependency for Extensions.
So in general 0.39 would be a much more development focused release, and we'll encourage deep work on internals that we've discouraged previously due to stability concerns. We will advertise 0.39 as more of an experimental release and encourage users needing a high level of stability to stick with 0.38.
How does this approach sound?
P.S. If you're interested in giving feedback to the roadmap including longer term goals, join us on Jabber as we continue revising it. We'll update the high level roadmap on the main website as we go this weekend, and flesh out the detailed roadmap in wiki later on.