17 февр. 2015 г. 0:20 пользователь "Teto" <teto45@...2519...> написал:

> - Someone told me about giving 100$ to help for development. Yep, sure,
> except that now I'm sure that Inkscape will never be what I wish. Unify
> the UI for tools like Filters, LPE and so on ? Don't count on that, you
> said, because of "debts" and the fact that it's too much work.


I'm not sure that you understood it right. Or maybe Krzysztof was too quick with his reply. Certain things in Inkscape's UI are certainly fixable, but not in 3 days of the hackfest. For example, there's no reason why Inkscape couldn't have a node-based editor for Filters, as there is no "technical debt" there, but 1) it's not something you can code in 3 days, 2) it appears that some users are, unfortunately, against this idea.

What I *think* should happen is that someone sits down and patiently writes down all the problems Inkscape has with its UI and then maybe someone else with good understanding of the code prioritizes the problems based on how much work it is to fix each of them. Then we would have a better idea, what's a hackfest material, and what could be worked on duing either Google Summer of Code or our own upcoming paid development program.

To sum it up, Inkscape is not a lost cause. But the project probably needs a boring formal approach towards identification and elimination of its shortcomings.
