On Sat, Jul 19, 2014 at 12:40 PM, Johan Engelen <jbc.engelen@...2592...> wrote:
On 19-7-2014 18:20, Partha Bagchi wrote:
I would think that any build (Mac/Windows/Linux) uses external libraries since Inkscape depends on gtk+ and friends. Only difference, on Linux it comes with the OS and so the user does not have to do the legwork while for the other 2 OSes, one has to build the dependencies.
Yes, I was responding that way because I thought the point was there are no external libs used in building Inkscape.
Of course any build uses external libraries.
Our Windows releases have always used one set of dependencies. This is why it is important to build official releases with devlibs *only*; it is an important assumption in bug discussions. Just so that everybody realizes: our win32 devlibs and win64 devlibs have very different versions of the libs.
I used the latest available stable sources for the win64 libs. I always
try to update my libs when stable sources are released.
Thanks, Partha