I'm a member of the April association (http://april.org), a French advocacy group for Free Software. We are building a booklet, presenting 25 must-have free softwares. Inkscape has been selected as vector graphics editor. We are now requesting authorisation to the project teams to use their logos in the booklet, as well as specific rules you might want us to apply when using it.
I checked on your website, but couldn't find anything related to this specific subject.
More information on the project : http://wiki.april.org/w/Catalogue_Libre
The latest version of the booklet (WIP, Inkscape is presented on page 26) http://polux.rootard.free.fr/catalibre.pdf
The project pages and the booklet are in French. If any translation of the Inkscape pages is needed, feel free (as in free speech :) ) to ask.
Thanks in advance.