The copyright for most of the images on the screenshots page are held by Bulia so he would need to give particular permissions for their use.
However, there are some additional screenshots at this location which are available under Public Domain terms that you can freely use:
http://www.openclipart.org/screenshots/screenshot_110.png http://www.openclipart.org/screenshots/screenshot_109.png http://www.openclipart.org/screenshots/screenshot_104.png
Note that these are older versions of the program, but if the editor is in a hurry they may do in a pinch. Probably the best solution would be for you or he to create some screenshots particularly for this magazine. If you need some sample art to show off, there is lots of material under the Public Domain here:
Hope this helps! Bryce
On Thu, Jul 28, 2005 at 03:25:23PM +0200, Taraben, Adib wrote:
the writer for this german computer magazin C't wanted to add a screenshot in their next issue.
He is asking wheter he can just take one from the web page without conflicting any copyrights. This is very urgent as he has to finalize his article tomorrow morning. BTW: do they exists in svg format also ?
-----Original Message----- From: Peter K?nig [mailto:pek@...883...] Sent: Thu 7/28/2005 14:28 To: Taraben, Adib Subject: Screenshot f?r Inkscape ins n?chste c't-Heft
Hallo Herr Taraben,
ich habe eine relativ dringende Anfrage: Das sch?ne Inkscape-Release soll nach dem Heise-Newsticker nun auch auf einer der Aktuell-Seiten im Heft vorgestellt werden. Dazu br?uchte ich noch bis morgen Mittag (besser noch heute) einen sch?nen Screenshot des neuen Releases. Es gibt auf der Website ja einige Beispiele, aber kann man davon einfach welche nehmen, ohne dass es Probleme mit dem Copyright gibt?
Mit freundlichen Gr??en und vielem Dank,
Peter K?nig, c't