How about introducing a configuration flag like:

# opt in to broken build...
$ configure --enable-broken-cairo-support

Old Cairo support enabled
Checking for CAIRO... Yes
*** WARNING: old Cairo versions (<1.14) have a serious issue with bitmap downscaling that severely affects Inkscape. This option is not suitable for creating distributable packages of Inkscape. See ***

# Default build...
$ configure

Checking for CAIRO... No

This will help to ensure that users opt in to support of old versions, and hopefully packagers will not be tempted to break their users' experience of Inkscape. Those who *really* want to build 0.91 with broken image handling can still do so at their own peril.


On 19 Oct 2014 08:32, "ivan louette" <ivan_louette@...48...> wrote:
Thanks a lot !

I use Kubuntu 14.04 and trunk PPA on two different partitions (in fact I
have two Kubuntu and one Crunchbang partitions and also a Win8
Virtualbox). Thus if I have any problem with one of my two Kubuntu I
will stop to upgrade my PPA on the other one.

In fact I don't use bitmap a lot, but I would test the svg filters on
them as soon as possible after Cairo and Inkscape will be upgraded.


Le 19/10/14 00:41, Josh Andler a écrit :
> On Sat, Oct 18, 2014 at 3:14 PM, ivan louette <ivan_louette@...48...> wrote:
>> Just a practical question : should people like me who use Trunk PPA on
>> LTS distros simply stop to accept daily PPA builds now and continue to
>> work with today's build ?
> If you already use Trunk, you'd already be exposed to the "problem".
> If you're using Ubuntu 14.04, it has a cairo snapshot that contains a
> different scaling patch, but it should be fine.
> Cheers,
> Josh

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