Better late than never. ;)
We have posted the information regarding the call for screenshots over at deviantART (dA).
Please read the journal post on the right side of the page. The URL is
It is not required for you to join dA to submit a screenshot. If you aren't a dA member, please feel free to reply to this message on the user-list with a URL for your screenshot.
For those who are unfamiliar with dA, it is the largest art community on the web. They have over 21 million pieces of art of all varieties from artists around the globe. The art types are anything from poetry, fractals, vector, 3d, photography, etc (there are many categories with many more sub-categories). You can find out more by visiting the site at and their summary of what dA is at
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at scislacATgmailDOTcom or through dA.