On Fri, 28 Dec 2007 03:31:45 -0800 "joel@...1709..." <joel@...1709...> wrote:
I'd go one step further: We need tango, because it makes inkscape consistent with itself.
That's what I meant when I said that the new "shape" icons (circle, rectangle, polygon) are completely inconsistent with the "drawing" ones (pen, pencil, spiral). The outline of a filled shape is exactly the same thing as a bezier line drawn with the pen, so IMO it should look the same.
I agree that the overall appearance of the new icons is consistent insofar as they all look as if they came from the same candy box (this, again, is my general criticism of "modern" desktop look, not of the Inkscape Tango icons), but I still think that the main focus in icon design should be that the icon represents the function of the underlying button rather than the latest fad in desktop design.
Notice that now the standard GTK Icons - New, Open, Save, Cut, Copy, Paste are all tango style. I love the consistancy across the top row now.
I agree.
I wonder how we'll resolve this difference of opinion.
We won't, but the permanent disagreement will provide a constant driving force to make things better. This is a matter of taste, and the final decision should be made by those that have put considerable time and effort into creating the new icons. After all, nobody stops me from making and advertising icons that please my taste (or just use them in my private copy of Inkscape). But since I'm both incapable and too lazy to do it, I'll just keep ranting.