I've got a serious problem regarding gradients with last days' Inkscape SVN. Something changed that screws up the gradients ids of files I created with previous SVN builds.
To make things clearer:
If I create today an object with gradient fill with, say, Inkscape 0.43 stable and open it in Inkscape SVN, the gradient is correctly displayed.
If on the other hand I open the files I created and worked on earlier with Inkscape 0.43 in Inkscape SVN, *all* the gradients are mis-attributed and do not display. They are present in the gradients drop down menu, but their ids no longer correspond to what is specified in <defs>. If I vacuum the defs, the gradients are deleted since they are not used by any object.
Here's a link to a file that contains 24 objects, almost all of them with gradients:
(Incidentally, this file displays correctly in Konqueror.)
I hope someone with more knowledge of SVG/Inkscape will be able to help, because I dread the moment I'll have to reassign all gradients to each objects manually!
Cheers, JFL