I think you will love to read this.
That is a e-mail (with translation) from Leon Prado, a brazilian artist that uses Inkscape for professional works:
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Leon Prado <leonlatour@...400...> Date: 2009/8/25 To: Comunidade Inkscape Brasil <inkscape-brasil@...2207...> Subject: [Inkscape Brasil] AGRADECIMENTOS MAIS AGRADECIMENTO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [Inkscape Brazil] Thanks and more thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GENTE ESCREVO ESSE EMAIL EM MAIÚSCULA PORQUE EH QUASE UM GRITO MESMO :P Folks, i write this this e-mail in uppercase because it is like a screaming, really :-p
QUERO AGRADECER A NOSSOS QUERIDOS PROGRAMADORES!!!! I want to thank our dear programmers!!!
CARA O INK ESTA MUIIIIIIITO BOM !!!!! Man, the inkscape is veeeeery good!!!
AS NOVAS IMPLEMENTAÇÕES ESTÃO MARAVILHOSAS E O NOSSO PROGRAMINHA DO CORAÇÃO DEU UM INCRÍVEL AVANÇO!!! The new implementations are beautiful and the little program of our heart make a incredible advance!!!
VOCÊS ESTÃO DE PARABÉNS !!!!!!!! ELE FACILITA NOSSA VIDA !!!!!! You are to be congratulated!!! It make ou life easy!!!
grato, leon prado Thanks, Leon Prado
-- Leon Prado... (61) 8190.7373 msn: leonlatour@...19... http://leonprado.deviantart.com http://leonlatour.blogspot.com