----- Forwarded message from Matthew Revell <matthew.revell@...1798...> -----
Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2008 18:13:42 +0000 From: Matthew Revell <matthew.revell@...1798...> To: warthogs <warthogs@...1799...> Subject: Launchpad 1.2.1: PPA deletion, branch feeds, new code project over
Welcome to Launchpad 1.2.1, our first release of 2008!
Highlights include:
* Delete PPA packages in the web UI: no more sysadmin requests to delete a package from your PPA. To delete packages from your PPA visit: https://launchpad.net/+people/+me/+archive/+delete-packages
* Branch feeds: get the latest commits associated with a person, team, project or individual branch in your feed reader. Take a look at the Bitlbee project's branch feed: http://feeds.launchpad.net/bitlbee/branches.atom
* Code hosting project overviews: quick-glance overview of branches and revisions made to projects with code hosted on Launchpad. See Bazaar's overview page: https://code.launchpad.net/bzr
In other news: Ubuntu Hardy Heron is now available to start translating in Launchpad. Find out more at: http://news.launchpad.net/translations/translate-ubuntu-hardy-heron
Competition: we're on the look-out for a new Launchpad logo. Send us your design for the chance to win an Ubuntu messenger bag. See our blog post: http://news.launchpad.net/general/help-design-the-new-launchpad-logo
Read on for more of what's in Launchpad 1.2.1!
General Launchpad =================
* Projects, teams and people now have Atom feeds of the most recent commits to the branches associated with them. Individual branches have a feed of their recent commits. Find out more at https://help.launchpad.net/Feeds#branches * Atom feeds produced by Launchpad are now correctly set to the application/atom+xml content type. This allows Wordpress to read Launchpad feeds. (Bug 181620)
Distribution Management and PPAs (Soyuz) ========================================
* You can now use the Launchpad web interface to delete packages from your own PPA and any team PPAs for which you are are an admin. See https://launchpad.net/+people/+me/+archive/+delete-packages (Bugs 172587 and 177087) * When a newly uploaded source package is accepted from the queue its component is now overridden to "Universe". (Bug 120052) * When archive admins accept single-source uploads from the queue, the source is now published immediately. (Bug 153617) * Launchpad is now able to find and automatically close a wider variety of bug references in package changelogs. (Bug 159841) * Bug listing pages for distribution source packages have a new panel that shows the latest versions of the package published in each distroseries and the component/section in which it appears. See https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kbd-chooser/ (Bug 93293) * The size of binary packages in PPAs is now reported correctly. (Bug 180983) * Package counts on PPA overview pages are now accurate. (Bug 141591)
Code Hosting ============
* A new project overview page at https://code.launchpad.net/project shows the project's official branches, along with the most recent revisions from all associated branches. (Bugs 139441 and 79493) * Project branch listings now hide any branches over 180 days old if the branch listing does not fit a single page. A new check-box allows you to choose to view older branches. (Bug 79495) * When there are no upstream revision control details recorded for a product series, and you have permission to edit them, you are now offered links to register a Bazaar branch, link to an existing branch or request an import into a Bazaar branch. (Bug 49469)
Bug Tracker ===========
* Changing an existing bug watch is now easier. Simply paste the external bug's URL into the "change bug watch" form, rather than selecting the bug tracker and then entering the bug number. (Bug 74428) * New bug notification email subject lines are now prefixed with "[NEW]" to make them easier to identify. (Bug 29023) * Launchpad now recognises bug URLs from rt.cpan.org and correctly interprets the Trac status "accepted" to the Launchpad status "Confirmed. (Bugs 180210 and 180972) * External bug tracker overview pages now show private bugs but hide their title, number and status. (Bug 120144) * You now have the option of receiving the full original bug report in all bug notification emails. Visit https://launchpad.net/+people/+me/+edit then check the "Include bug descriptions when sending me bug notifications" box. (Bug 158668) * Bug listings are now sortable by the number of comments each bug has received. (Bug 137499) * If Launchpad is unable to import a bug watch's status, either because Launchpad doesn't yet know how to interpret the bug tracker's statuses or that instance of the bug tracker does not allow Launchpad to check for status updates, the bug watch page now shows a warning message. (Bug 32525) * You can now choose to search for either all or any of the tags you specify in a bug search. (Bug 66839) * When you file a bug, Launchpad shows you a list of similar bugs that have already been reported. If any of these bugs has duplicates, Launchpad now lists only the main bug and not its duplicates. (Bug 158455)
Translations ============
* The translations import queue web interface is now faster. * When viewing strings marked as "untranslated", if you translate some or all of those strings Launchpad now correctly displays the following ten strings that require translation. Previously, it would skip some strings as the overall list had been shortened. (Bug 63557) * Some translation uploads previously failed incorrectly with a message saying that the file's revision date had not been updated. Similarly, some translation imports were failing if they specified their plural forms in an order other than the default for that language. Both of these issues have now been fixed. (Bug 183540).
Blueprint =========
* Essential subscribers to a blueprint are now represented by a red icon in its subscriber list. Example: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/jeos-hardy (Bug 87962)