On Sat, 22 Jan 2005 19:01:27 -0600, Aaron Spike <fretfind@...540...> wrote:
In reference to: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=6260553&forum_id=...
With the latest autopackage working on my machine again, I finally had a chance to play with the new units code. Thank you all it is super. And now I think I have nailed down what my trouble was all along. Would someone please try the following and confirm that I am not crazy.
create a new document change document preferences default units to inches (notice ruler units change) save document and close inkscape. open inkscape open recent the document look at rulers (not inches) open recent the document look at rulers (now inches again)
Yes. This is because when you starts from empty Inkscape, then open the document into it, it is opened into the same window, and the ruler is not updated. However when you open it a second time, this time a new window is created for it, and in the new window the ruler is set correctly. You may want to submit a bug on this so that I don't forget to fix this when I have time.