2010/12/20 Néstor Díaz Valencia <nestor@...2495...>:
Don't take it personal please, I think your making an argument "ad hominen" with mediawiki used by thousands projects. There are others that not.
Ad hominem would be if I attacked Chris or you personally. This was something else - argument from popularity, which is not valid in general, but with FOSS it does have some merit. More users = (usually) more developers = better quality and less bugs.
Nothing is technically broken so we shouldn't fix it. I can see, browse everything at inkscape.org, everything? not sure, because site search uses google and at this moment shows no results if I look up for "filters". If I search for "filters" there are no Page title matches If I search for "effects" the second one in Page title is "filter effects", that is not how a search engine in 2010 works and Dokuwiki search is more intelligent than this.
Search on the main site is bad, but I wasn't saying the main site is not broken. The main site desperately does need an overhaul and I'm eagerly awaiting the new main site :). But wiki is another matter. Search on the wiki is bad as well, because it uses the very basic built-in search. Installing this would help; it is what Wikipedia uses. http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:MWSearch
As someone says in this thread, there is a good momentum (meaning willing people) to create a nice community and documentation website for Inkscape. Some of us are not C++ coders so we will be pretty happy with python-django-js/html/css-sql migrating helping.
This is very good. I just don't want you to waste your momentum on something that won't improve the situation. In the past I have attempted a few projects that proved to be too large for a single person to complete, and rewriting every wiki page looks like it. In the end though, as Jasper said, we can't stop you.
Regards, Krzysztof