On 20/10/09 05:31, Michael Wybrow wrote:
I've been busy overseas in Texas for the last week, but will be heading back home tomorrow to Australia and then I'll have time to look at this some more. In the meantime, if someone else wants to follow the process for compiling the python modules from a Snow Leopard machine and then replace the python components in the pre-built app bundle (as ~suv suggested in the "Advice on how to update lxml on OS X" thread), then I think this is the best solution we have right now.
quick question: can the MacPorts python modules just be copied from '${prefix}/lib/python2.5/site-packages' or '${prefix}/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/Current/lib/python2.6/site-packages' and put into the bundle 'python/site-packages/${arch}' or do they need specific configure options to be 'relocatable'?
BTW - for any Snow Leopard user willing to try - here is a InkscapeForum thread about a reported successful python module installation on SL, although it remains unclear to me where the modules finally were installed ;-) http://www.inkscapeforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=3708&start=0&hilit=Snow+Leopard