This relates to https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/247463 and comment 37 in particular.
I would like to be able to attach information to objects that are needed for high quality digitization. This includes stitch length and stitch direction. I am thinking of displaying the direction as gradient, although direction may be very complex. I am just learning about SVG so, I do not know if there are smart ways of doing this. (For example, think of a leaf, where you may have 20 different direction changes.) I also do not know XML very well (creating schema, etc).
So, is there a standard way to extend SVG or embed such codes in SVG for a given object? How would I go about attaching buttons, etc. in the GUI? Can I have Inkscape view the direction code as a gradient for display (if an option is set)? Or, show the fill as lines going in that direction? (Again, this wouldn't be done in printing/export/etc., only in viewing with an option set.)
I would like to do this in SVG and Inkscape since I believe both are scriptable and both can be used for print as well. (This is a project for both print and embroidery.)
Additional request for information: Is it possible to define a custom color table? Embroidery machines usually have a fixed color table (which can be converted to various thread vendor product/color numbers).
Is it possible to turn an outline on for an object and give it a different color than the object, or easily create an outline?
Finally, is there a way to do "Ungroup repeatedly until there are no groups left, and convert objects to paths." as part of an extension (http://www.jonh.net/~jonh/inkscape-embroidery/) without modifying the original (as part of an export, etc.)?
Thank you, Trever